Honey Bee Toy Life Cycle Miniature Replica
11698 Price:$9.99in stockNew
Honey Bee Toy Life Cycle Miniature Replica is insect lover imagination fun at Anwo.com Animal WorldŽ. Made of safe, detailed, durable plastic this set features 4 stages of a Honey Bee's development. The four pieces are an egg in a honey comb section measuring 2"L x 1"W x .5"H, a larva measuring 1.5"L x .5W x .5"H, a pupa measuring 2"L x .5"W x .5"H, and an adult Honey Bee measuring 2.5"L x 2.5"W x .5"H. Shop our
Bee Gifts Bumblebee at Anwo.com Animal WorldŽ
page for additional Bee gift items.
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Featured positive reviews:
If you have school project on the life cycle of bees the bee life cycle toy replica is a must have to complete the task successfully.
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